Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A step forward to the Orangutan Release Action

Last Friday, August 20, 2010 in Manggala Wanabakti Ministry of Forestry was held a press conference in obtained Decree of the Minister of Forestry Number: SK/464/MENHUT-II/2010 dated August 18, 2010 regarding "Granting Permit on Timber Forest Product Utilization - Ecosystem Restoration of Natural Forest to PT. Restoration Habitat Orangutan Indonesia, in production forest area of 86.450 hectares, in the East Kutai and Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan Province.

By obtaining the HPH permission (Forest Concession), then RHOI - 1 area in East Kalimantan are legally can be managed by PT. RHOI as the release site for orangutan release program. This is a step forward in effort to preserve a secure and sustainable habitat for the future of the orangutan and the biodiversity as includes.

The manifestation of Government support through the issuance of the Decree to PT. RHOI has been welcomed by all parties involved. The permit will be responsible implemented by PT. RHOI as a concrete manifestation of PT. RHOI and BOS Foundation in fulfilling its commitment to release the orangutan and preserve a sustainable habitat in line with the Strategy and Action Plan on Indonesian Orangutan Conservation 2007-2017.

About Us

Since 2002 Orangutan Rehabilitation Center both in East and Central Kalimantan are no longer re-introducing the orangutan to the wild, in some of reasons there are no more suitable and secure forest area which meet the requirements to be a release site with the quality, carrying capacity, and security aspects within. Moreover, the activity of reintroduction orangutan has become government’s commitment as described on objective and target of document of Strategy and Action Plan for Conservation Orangutan Indonesia 2007 – 2017, which said that rehabilitation and reintroduction of orangutan into its natural habitat should be accomplished in 2015.
PT. RESTORASI HABITAT ORANGUTAN INDONESIA (known as PT. RHOI, first legal holder of orangutan habitat restoration in Indonesia) established by The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation is answering the above difficulties and target by providing a sustainable and legally secure habitat for orangutan for at least 60 (sixty) years and can be expanded for 35 (thirty-five) years further, through ecosystem restoration forest concession (IUPHHK-RE) scheme. PT RHOI is also undertaking sustainable forest management in general, such as recovering ecosystem through activities of restoration, rehabilitation, environmental management, securing forest area, local community empowerment and involvement through partnerships, forest concession education and training, research and development, trading (goods and services of non-timber forest products) for domestic and international markets.
Is in East of Kalimantan, about 86,450 hectares of rainforest, are being prepare as the release area for the orangutan (there will be also in Central Kalimantan), where hundreds species of flora and fauna are live together in a synergy of ecosystem. This brings us into a brighter future for the orangutan, and now we are here in a same point to fulfill our commitment on building up their way home to the wild and also supporting in effort to save the Earth from a very serious threat of climate change caused by the global warming.
This is a new step of being fully responsible toward our commitment to restore the habitat for orangutan and preserve a better place for them to live in sustainable freedom.